Here's The Scoop
Kids accompanied on a nature walk from GSES to Glow Yoga. AND our program is not just for GSES kids, so parent drop offs welcome.
2 days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays
$199 per month, $25 application fee
3:00 to 3:30 - Snack & Outdoor Play
3:30 to 4:30 - Yoga, Meditation, Games, Activities
4:30 to 5:00 - Flex Time
Click Here To Register For Classes
*Follow the link above, and select "Kid's Yoga" from the menu.
Glow Kids programs are passionate about teaching your child how to be and grow into the best version of their unique selves. Our activities teach kids how to be happy, kind, grateful, patient and confident little people.
Children keep a growth-mindset journal throughout each semester sharing their accomplishments, challenges, feelings and strategies they use in their daily life. Registration is limited to 12 kids
For questions and more information contact Kids Yoga Director, Jennifer, at (615) 739-7306 or
Our yoga & mindfulness camps are designed to provide tools to help our students:
1. Improve physical and mental well-being in a fun, relaxed, and non-competitive environment
2. Learn to use self-regulating techniques that can make them calm and focused
3. Express their creativity and individual strengths in healthy, productive ways
4. Lift their spirits to feel more confident and happy with who they are right here, right now
-Fun yoga poses and sequences including arm balances like crow pose, spider pose and firefly pose!
-Games that challenge students' coordination, dexterity, focus, memory and teamwork
-Music, songs and breathing exercises
-Art projects and creative journaling
-Guided meditations that allow students to calm the body and mind
-Group exercises that facilitate respect, community, teamwork and positive body awareness
$169 - space is limited!
Kindergarten through 5th Grade – we split the kids up into age groups to learn tools that are interesting, fun and appropriate for them
9am to Noon
Water Bottle
Optional Yoga Mat (we have plenty)
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Web Design By High Seas Design House